Call for Resignation from Former RCC Bishop

Vigil of the Solemnity of Christ the King

21 November 2009


My Dear Friends,

Like all of you, I poured my heart and soul into the Reformed Catholic Church.  Over the past several years, it was so much more than a ministry.  It became my life.

I saw and heard things from Columbus that disturbed me, but I chose to ignore them.  I promised my obedience and loyalty to the presiding bishop, and I supported him without fail.  When I finally did raise an issue – about why clergy were dismissed so impulsively – I was immediately expelled.  I did not choose to leave the Church; rather, the Church decided to leave me.

Now, looking more closely at current and past events, I see a pattern of neglect and abuse, from deliberate disregard for canon law to inexcusable mistreatment of clergy and faithful.  These demonstrate an abysmal failure, not only of the college of bishops in which I served, but of the Church’s model of governance.

Therefore, I call upon my brother, +Phillip Zimmerman, to accept responsibility for the errors and abuses that occurred during his term as presiding bishop, and to resign voluntarily from the Reformed Catholic Church.  In the past, the archbishop has stated that he would step down if ever he became an obstacle to the Church.  That time has come, and I urge him to honor that promise.

Further, I challenge the clergy and faithful to establish a new model of leadership and governance in the Church.  Since the current model has led to numerous abuses, I propose the establishment of a council of clergy and laity to administer the affairs of the Church.  Under this model, bishops would return to their primary roles as teachers and shepherds, but the authority to govern would rest with the general council.  It is time to abandon any hierarchical structure that allows the actions of an individual or small group to wreak havoc upon an entire church, and to welcome full participation and representation from every mission and ministry.

Though separated from you, I care deeply about those who continue to minister and serve the People of God.  It is with enormous sorrow that I propose such drastic action.  It may be, however, the only hope to rescue and rebuild the Church.


Your brother in Christ,



Bishop Christopher Tobin

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